launch URL does not open Outlook

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Thu Mar 26 00:43:42 EDT 2009

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 10:04 AM, mfstuart <mfstuart at> wrote:
> Hi Sarah,
> Jacque emailed my off line and suggested checking that each character was
> within 1 to 255 - charToNum(theChar).
> So I created a simple stack with a repeat for each char theChar in
> theMessageText.
> And found no chars outside that range.
> For instance: Björnke - each character is within 1 to 255.
> I'm assuming this is the way to do this?
> Also, what is non-standard characters, I guess is the question from me?

I would check for characters in the ASCII range 1 - 127 as different
systems encode the higher numbered characters differently.


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