Rev presentation tool - PowerPoint alternative?

Richard K. Herz herz at
Tue Mar 24 11:33:09 EDT 2009

Need: A way to show presentation slides in one window along with a Rev 
stack or other media in another window.

The problem with PowerPoint is that it takes over the entire screen 
during a slide show, and switching to another window, e.g., with Mac 
Spaces, is distracting.

One solution is to write your slides in a Rev stack. But to get the 
formatting options of PowerPoint or Keynote, I also had success with this:

- create slide show in PowerPoint or Keynote
- capture slides to JPG images
- create a Rev stack and import images
- set image geometry so image scales as card is resized

JPG's appear to rescale without messing up text edges much. GIF's from 
PowerPoint's Save as Web Page did not rescale well. To capture to jpg, I 
viewed each slide full size (in PowerPoint, menu View > Slide), captured 
with Mac Grab to tiff, then resaved as jpg.

Rich Herz

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