HC Music that should be on Runtime Revolution

René Micout rmicout at online.fr
Thu Mar 19 05:42:21 EDT 2009

Le 18 mars 09 à 23:01, Richard Gaskin a écrit :
> Or does "truly cross-platform" mean something else? :)

I don't really understand "cross-platform" concept in Rev  ?!  What  
about "sheet" and "drawer" witch are Macintosh only stuff. Why other  
Macintosh specificities (is it english ?) are not present into Rev ?
What is "cross-platform" ? MacOS X (I know), Linux (I imagine),  
Windows (Witch Windows ? 95 ? 98 ? NT ? XP ? Vista ? 7 ?). What  
version of Windows command the leveling by the bottom ? Anybody know  
that ?
Sorry but I am a Macintosh only guy (since 1984) :-)
René from Paris

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