mouseControl problem

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Wed Mar 18 17:26:36 EDT 2009

DunbarX at wrote:
> Richard.
> Er, it doesn't. I am rewriting "ss" and the "superGrouper" handlers. Goofed.

All the supergrouper stuff is built into the IDE, just select more than 
one object (shift-click with the edit arrow) and open the property 
inspector. The "align objects" pane is what you want (unless this is 
just an exercise.) In addition, you can bulk-set any property that the 
objects all have in common. The inspector will enable any of those that 

Trying to reproduce what the IDE already does can require some work, as 
you'll have to work around all the internal messages the IDE is 
generating in order to do it for you.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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