Please suggest an easy way to deactivate a fields scripts

DunbarX at DunbarX at
Wed Mar 18 12:09:37 EDT 2009


Of course, in an external object, it works fine. I made a button and a field. 
The btn script:

on mouseup
    get the script of fld "yourField"
    if the optionKey is down then
       repeat with y = 1 to the number of lines of it
          put "--" before line y of it
       end repeat
       replace "--" with empty in it
    end if
    set the script of fld "yourField" to it
    save stack "yourStack"
end mouseup

Likely this would best be done in a menu. You can set the menuItem to 
something like "Lock Field", toggling to "UnLock Field". Or check the menuItem, or 

Again, you can have no comments anywhere in the field script.

Craig Newman

Great Deals on Dell 15" Laptops - Starting at $479 

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