Please suggest an easy way to deactivate a fields scripts

DunbarX at DunbarX at
Wed Mar 18 11:04:16 EDT 2009

In a message dated 3/18/09 10:20:04 AM, shoreagent at writes:

> Craig
> Do you really do that in any of your scripts?

No. And you cannot. An error message states "you cannot set script while it 
is executing". I tried:

on mouseEnter
    get the script of me
    put line 1 to 14 of it & return into keepThis
     put line 15 to the number of lines of it of it into commentThis
    if the optionKey is down then
       repeat with y = 1 to the number of lines of commentThis
          put "--" before line y of commentThis
       end repeat
       replace "--" with empty in commentThis
    end if
    set the script of me to keepThis & commentThis
    save stack "yourStack"
end mouseEnter

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