Chunk order must be small to large

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Fri Mar 13 13:35:11 EDT 2009

DunbarX wrote:

> I dug out my old copy of the v.2 User Guide.
> This guide has stuff in it that the v.3 guide does not. It has a short 
> section on "Complex chunk expressions", where it states:
> - chars can't contains words
> - words can't contain items
> - items can't contain lines
> Now I know what "must be small to large" means; its right in the book, and 
> apparently has been for a while. On the streamlining of the Rev parser, having 
> to use parens or quotes is a small price to pay not to have HC forebearance. 
> Rebecca's script ditty is hilarious. How many would get it? How many would 
> laugh?
> There are plenty of other goodies in that book, as I say, that ought not to 
> have been discarded in the v.3 User Guide. Its organization is different, read 
> odd, but still...

Good catch on the docs.

Anyone know if this is completely gone or merely moved?

If it's gone, it would make a good enhancement request to put it back:

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World
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