Regular Expression question
Mark Schonewille
m.schonewille at
Fri Mar 13 09:33:58 EDT 2009
When you do a search, you're not searching for text. You're searching
for *binary data*. So, find out what the binary data is and make a
regex for that. If there are any characters with a special meaning,
escape them.
Also bear in mind that when doing matchChunk, you'll get the positions
in the binary string, which is not the same as the number of the
character in a field, because one character can consist of up to 4
Best regards,
Mark Schonewille
Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
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On 13 mrt 2009, at 14:12, Ron wrote:
> Hi Kenji, Mark,
> Thanks for your suggestions.
> Kenji, you are right about searching using the find command. I can
> search for Kanji, as you do in your stack.
> Mark, you are right about escaping the characters when I use regex.
> I've have been escaping the chars and that seems to work in the case
> where there are no reg expressions - only the kanji.
> My problem is identifying and converting the kanji in the regex
> string that I put into matchtext.
> for example: "love\w\w" finds among other things, loved, lovely,
> loves etc. Regex parses this expression fine so I can have the user
> input it directly. But if I use Kanji: "土.{1,10}水" it does not
> work.
> This is the kanji for land followed by a period followed by the
> match operator followed by the kanji for water. I'm looking for the
> first kanji separated from the second by 1 to 10 chars.
> It seems I need to let regex know I'm using kanji and there must be
> some way to do so, unless Rev does not support that.
> Thanks
> Ron
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