combining sound files
J Scott Saults
saultsj at
Thu Mar 12 10:50:25 EDT 2009
I need to join a lot of aiff files to create a single sound file. I am
revisiting a topic that has been discussed at least once before.
Maybe there have been other solutions proposed than what I've found,
so far. I have tried converting the files to Au format (16-bit PCM
with sampling rate of 22050 kHz) and then using Aujoiner by Mark
Smith. This produces noise at each join. Are there other solutions, or
is there a way to fix Aujoiner?
I'd prefer to work directly with aiff or wave files, but I could use
any easy way to script the concatenation of a lot of little sound
files into one long sound file. I CAN accomplish this now using an old
XCMD I have that only works under Win98, and I have one old machine
that will run it, but that's pretty inconvenient. I would like a
better solution. if anyone has any suggestions, I'd appreciate it.
Scott Saults
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