Problem with mouseMove

James Hurley jhurley0305 at
Wed Mar 11 11:00:49 EDT 2009

I have been trying to construct a pen-drawing stack that allows me to  
paint kaleidoscopic figures--without success. (I am able to DRAW them.)

But  Bernd Niggemann  has found a way that works wonderfully well.

But I need to understand the difference. It appears that one cannot  
use the MouseMove handler in conjunction with the line tool.

Here are two card scripts:


local myName, tOldLOc

on mouseDown
   put the name of me into myName
   put 100,100 into tOldLOc
   choose the line tool
end mouseDown

on mouseMove x,y
   if myName is "" then exit mouseMove
   drag from tOldLoc to x,y
   put x,y into tOldLoc
end mouseMove

  on mouseUP
    put "" into myName
    choose the browse tool
end mouseUP


local tOldLOc

on mouseDown
   put 100,100 into tOldLOc
   choose the line tool
   send "moveMe" to me
end mouseDown

on moveMe
  if the mouse is up then
     choose browse tool
     exit moveMe
    put the mouseloc into tNewLoc
    drag from tOldLoc to tNewLoc
     put tNewLoc into tOldLoc
     send "moveMe" to me in 1 millisec
   end if
end moveMe

This second script (essentially Bernd Niggemann's) works and the  
first (mine) does not, in fact, Run Rev locks up and I need to force  

In my mind the second script, using "moveMe"  appears to simply roll- 
your-own mouseMove handler by calling itself and getting the mouseLoc.

But it appears that mouseMove is not functional when using the curve  
tool. Am I interpreting this correctly? What is there about the  
mouseMove handler that I am missing?

Jim Hurley

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