set borderWidth spoils images

Richmond Mathewson geradamas at
Fri Mar 6 15:50:49 EST 2009

by setting the  showBorder property to TRUE:

on mouseUp
  set the vis of btn "Button 1" to false
  create img "BOX"
  put the windowID of this stack into WINDY
  put the rect of card "KARD" into HANDY
  export snapshot from rect HANDY of window WINDY to img "BOX" as PNG
  set the showBorder of img "BOX" to true
  set the borderColor of img "BOX" to "green"
  set the borderWidth of img "BOX" to 4
put the bottomRight of card "KARD" into BRITE
put the width of card "KARD" into WIDD
  put the height of card "KARD" into HITE
set the width of img "BOX" to (WIDD / 2)
set the height of img "BOX" to (HITE / 2)
set the bottomRight of img "BOX" to BRITE
 set the vis of btn "Button 1" to true
end mouseUp

I get a border that is NOT green . . .

Green, green, green, green;
Ta-dum, Ta-dum, something obscene,
Why, Oh why, can I not have green?

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson.


A Thorn in the flesh is better than a failed Systems Development Life Cycle.


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