Strange pathname in "put the filename" command

Jim Ault JimAultWins at
Sun Mar 1 12:21:53 EST 2009

Try this in the Mac OSX Finder
  right click and choose "Show Package Contents"
a new window should open with a folder named "Contents"

Explore this to find out how Standalones are published by any company that
produces apps for OSX.  In fact, you can do this with all of your apps on
your computer, since they are a combination of executable code and support

And you are correct in that the Windows path will be different, and the Rev
compiler will produce the correct environment for that platform.

One bit of code you might want to use is

if the platform contains "MacOS" then
-- app path logic
-- exe path logic
end if

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

On 3/1/09 3:47 AM, "Francis Nugent Dixon" <effendi at> wrote:

> Hi from Brittany (spring is coming and the mimosa will be out soon),
> I'm running Revolution 3.0 on an Intel iMac.
> I create a stack called Mainstack which I store in a folder.
> You would guess correctly if you thought it was a splashstack.
> In "openStack", when I execute the command "put the filename
> of this stack into field MyStackName",
> I read "/Revolution/RawStacks/MainStack.rev" which is perfectly
> normal, because that is where the stack is. I can strip out the
> stack name to get the path to the folder.
> I compile this stack into a standalone on my desktop, with one
> option "Intel Only". This standalone is now in a folder "MainStack"
> containing a file ""
> I move the file "" into another folder which contains all
> my compiled standalone stacks.
> When I execute the command  "put the filename of this stack into field
> MyStackName", I expect to see "/Revolution/StandaloneStacks/
> because that is where the stack is. I need this path, because I want to
> be able to call one of the standalones from MainStack (choosing from a
> list)
> Instead, I read "/Revolution/StandaloneStacks/
> MacOS/MainStack".
> Where did this path come from ? Of course, I can always throw away the
> part
> of the path "/Contents/MacOS/MainStack", but this doesn't satisfy my
> curiosity .....
> I imagine (haven't tested it yet) that this part of the path will be
> different
> if I move to a PC. What rules govern the creation of this path ?
> I see from the Rev Dictionary that the "filename of stack" is
> different for a
> standalone - "the filename of stack property reports the name and
> location of
> the application". Why is "Name and location" different from "Path" ?
> Thanks for any pointers.
> -Francis
> "Nothing should ever be done for the first time !"
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