Strange pathname in "put the filename" command

Francis Nugent Dixon effendi at
Sun Mar 1 06:47:52 EST 2009

Hi from Brittany (spring is coming and the mimosa will be out soon),

I'm running Revolution 3.0 on an Intel iMac.

I create a stack called Mainstack which I store in a folder.
You would guess correctly if you thought it was a splashstack.

In "openStack", when I execute the command "put the filename
of this stack into field MyStackName",
I read "/Revolution/RawStacks/MainStack.rev" which is perfectly
normal, because that is where the stack is. I can strip out the
stack name to get the path to the folder.

I compile this stack into a standalone on my desktop, with one
option "Intel Only". This standalone is now in a folder "MainStack"
containing a file ""

I move the file "" into another folder which contains all
my compiled standalone stacks.

When I execute the command  "put the filename of this stack into field
MyStackName", I expect to see "/Revolution/StandaloneStacks/",
because that is where the stack is. I need this path, because I want to
be able to call one of the standalones from MainStack (choosing from a  

Instead, I read "/Revolution/StandaloneStacks/ 

Where did this path come from ? Of course, I can always throw away the  
of the path "/Contents/MacOS/MainStack", but this doesn't satisfy my  
curiosity .....
I imagine (haven't tested it yet) that this part of the path will be  
if I move to a PC. What rules govern the creation of this path ?

I see from the Rev Dictionary that the "filename of stack" is  
different for a
standalone - "the filename of stack property reports the name and  
location of
the application". Why is "Name and location" different from "Path" ?

Thanks for any pointers.


"Nothing should ever be done for the first time !"

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