a php relay to either rev cgi or onrev

Jim Ault jimaultwins at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 28 01:57:48 EDT 2009

On Jul 27, 2009, at 8:07 PM, Nicolas Cueto wrote:

> After much testing and frustation, I've discovered that the on-rev
> server is unable to read the $_POST array when sent by WAP/WML-based
> Japanese cellphones to an .irev script.
> As a workaround, I've make a .php script that can read in $_POST. The
> next step is using php to forward the $_POST data to an .irev or
> rev-cgi script -- assuming of course that such a thing is possible.
> But, I really want to avoid having to learn (any more!) php, so am
> instead posting this somewhat off-topic request for help.
> Has someone tried to use php to relay data to .irev/rev-cgi?

Use PHP to extract the parts of the array you need, and then do a  
$_POST or $_GET to the irev/cgi using the desired variable names, just  
like you would if you were going to use PHP to navigate to another web  
page and pass variables to that page.  You might have to encode the  
characters before sending them to irev/cgi to be successful.

For example:

Then setup the 'targetStack' to look for both the GET & POST using the  
one that is not empty.  Now it can handle both methods of data arriving.

In August I will start working with my On-Rev account.  I have not  
actually done this, so hopefully this will point you in a useful  

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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