Trapping for Return, Enter, Escape, and Delete

Bill Vlahos bvlahos at
Sun Jul 26 20:36:35 EDT 2009

This works on my MacBook Pro but I don't know how general a solution  
it is for other Macs, Windows, or Linux.

on rawKeyUp keyCode
    if keyCode = 65293 or keyCode = 65421 then send mouseUp to button  
"Select" -- Return or Enter
    if keyCode = 65307 then send mouseUp to button "Cancel" -- Escape
    if keycode = 65288 then send mouseUp to button "Clear" -- Delete
end rawKeyUp

I'm not trying to trap for keystrokes in a field as there is no field  
only several buttons.

Is this a good general approach or is there a better way?

Bill Vlahos

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