Revlet save a txt file

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Sun Jul 26 15:07:28 EDT 2009

Yves COPPE wrote:

> Le 26-juil.-09 à 19:51, Richard Gaskin a écrit :
>> Yves COPPE wrote:
>>> 1) how can I save the txt file on my personal web site  (it is not  
>>> a  rev-server)
> but for question 1)
> I don't master the POST comand
> I've hav read it in the dictionary
> but I cannot send the file on my webserver
> Can you please give me an example ?

This function can be used in a CGI to read incoming data and put it into 
  an array you can use later to obtain elements by name:

on _cgiGetInput
   if "dev" is in the environment then
     -- testing locally:
     put gLocalTestInput into tBuffer
     put empty into tBuffer
     if $REQUEST_METHOD is "POST" then
       -- POST:
       repeat until (len(tBuffer) >= $CONTENT_LENGTH)
         read from stdin until empty
         put it after tBuffer
       end repeat
       -- GET:
       put $QUERY_STRING into tBuffer
     end if
   end if
   put tBuffer into gCGIDataInA
   split gCGIDataInA by "&" and "="
end _cgiGetInput

I wrote it to use either the GET or POST method, and regardless which 
one it uses it puts the data into the global array gCGIDataInA.

On the web data is often sent via POST using forms.  So if you have a 
form element containing your data whose value was "MyData", in the CGI 
you can get that data like this:

global gCGIDataInA

on startup
   put gCGIDataInA["MyData"] into tData
   --- do whatever else you need with that...
end startup

Since you're sending the data from a stack rather than from a web form, 
all you need to do is package the data in the standard format, in which 
the data is set up in name-value pairs, where the name and value are 
separated by "=" and the pairs are separated with "&", e.g.:


Rev makes sending this to the CGI a convenient one-liner:

   post tData to url tCgiUrl

...where tData contains whatever data you want sent to the CGI, and 
tCgiUrl is the url to your CGI, e.g.:

For general info on getting started with Rev CGIs, check out Jacque's 
excellent tutorial:

It may take some experimentation to get things working well, but once 
you do you'll have a really wonderful time with all the possibilities it 
opens up.

RevNet contains examples of some of this stuff, such as the Feedback 
form, which is just a stack that uses some handlers like 
revnetSubmitForm stored in a backscript named RevNet_BS".  You can find 
RevNet in your Rev install in the menus at 
Development->Plugins->GoRevNet.  You're welcome to use any scripts there 
you find handy.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World
  Revolution training and consulting:
  Webzine for Rev developers:

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