Naive question number 999

Richmond Mathewson richmondmathewson at
Sun Jul 26 06:35:20 EDT 2009

Humpf; I will try to fool everybody that my slowness there was
the result of coping with kids in a classroom setting: but, of
course that is not true - entirely my own fault.

Thanks for your pointer:

just checked RTF in the Documentation and found this:

"put the RTFText of field "Destination" into URL myURL"

which looks rather exciting . . .

Set up a stack with a field containing suitably garish text
(orange, right aligned, size 48, disgusting font)
and popped this in a button:

on mouseUp
   put the RTFtext of fld "FFF" into URL "file: FancyText.rtf"
end mouseUp


Tried this:

on mouseUp
   put the htmlText of fld "FFF" into URL "file: FancyText.html"
end mouseUp

because of this near the bottom of the Documentation bit about RTF:

"To export and re-import field information without losing any style 
information, use the htmlText property instead."


This all on the trusty G4 war-horse.  :)

Decided not to contribute a slightly offensive note to the 
User-contributed notes in the Documentation
until I can manage to export the flipping text the way it should be 

Mark Schonewille wrote:
> Richmond,
> Export the rtfText property to an RTF file. Even though it is buggy, 
> it preserves most of the olours and styles.
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Mark Schonewille
> Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
> Submit your software products to and 
> get found!
> If you sent me an e-mail before 8th July and haven't got a reply yet, 
> please send me a reminder.
> On 26 jul 2009, at 11:33, Richmond Mathewson wrote:
>> My kids are making word-processors with revMedia 4 right now,
>> and exporting to text
>> Humpf:  write to file  works with Linux but doesn't seem to work
>> on Mac, so having to  put fld "XXX" into URL "file: MyCrap.txt"
>> However the kids are, understandably, rather disappointed
>> having produced PINK, ITALIC, GIANT, RIGHT ALIGNED text, to
>> find that all that gets exported is bog-standard text and all
>> the formatting is gone for a Burton.
>> Please can someone point me in the right direction to export
>> styled text?

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