Monitor Resolution ???
Peter Alcibiades
palcibiades-first at
Mon Jul 20 05:13:04 EDT 2009
in Linux
usage: xrandr [options]
where options are:
-display <display> or -d <display>
-o <normal,inverted,left,right,0,1,2,3>
or --orientation <normal,inverted,left,right,0,1,2,3>
-q or --query
-s <size>/<width>x<height> or --size <size>/<width>x<height>
-r <rate> or --rate <rate>
-v or --version
-x (reflect in x)
-y (reflect in y)
--screen <screen>
Richmond Mathewson-2 wrote:
> I just thought it would be fun if one could do
> something like this:
> set the screenRect to 0,0,1024,768
> err, resizing monitor resolution to fit the
> stack rather than resize the stack to fit the
> monitor resolution.
> of course, for this to be possible one would
> have to have a way to ascertain the possible
> monitor resolutions on a given system, such as:
> put the screenRes() into fld "xxx"
> but one can't. Shame really.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Waiting for the printer to chew its way through
> 12 copies of 'Widdecombe Fair' for the kiddos
> tomorrow morning . . .
> Lynn Fredricks, Lynn Fredricks, lend me your grey mare'
> All along down along out along lee
> For I wants for to go to the RunRev Conf.
> With Klaus Major, Sarah Reichelt, Heather Nagey,
> Andre Garzia, Sivakatirswami, Richmond Mathewson,
> Old Uncle Tom Cobley and all. :)
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