Strange button

Paul Gabel paulgabel at
Wed Jul 15 18:50:49 EDT 2009

Hello to everyone:

I have a button that resides inside of a "background" group (on many  
cards). The group is script-less. The button has about 10 handlers and  
350 lines of script. When I created the button, it worked fine once.  
But something in its script causes the button, from that point  
forward, not to trap a click. Instead, a click on it goes to the card.  
As a workaround I had to write a script at the card level sending a  
mouseUp back to the button. This works. Now, due to various  
circumstances, I have to fix this, but I have no idea what in the  
script could cause such (for me) unprecedented behavior. The script  
has no errors.

If I create a brand new button (in the group) and transfer the script,  
it does the same thing — works once then becomes transparent to a click.

All I am asking is: What KINDS of things should I be looking for? In  
general, what could make this happen?

Thank you,

Paul Gabel

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