Referring to chars by decimal or hex numbers ????

Richmond Mathewson richmondmathewson at
Sun Jul 12 13:40:24 EDT 2009

Peter W A Wood wrote:
> snip
> Your blast may be premature. Devan Asay's Unicode tutorial 
> ( 
> says that all Unicode characters are UTF-16. In UTF-16 numbers greater 
> than 65535 can be represented by a two character combination. It's all 
> explained much better than I could at
> The UTF-16 sequence for the Unicode code point 983040 (decimal) is 
> DB80 DC00 (Hexadecimal) ; courtesy of 
Um!  Playing around with I ended up 
with the following for 983040:

UTF-16 code units :  DB80 DC00 20  

Unicode U+hex notation : U+F0000  (which I kent well)

now that is all very, very jolly!  So "Aa thocht a quhile, Aa scart ma 
dowp an pyked ma neb a pirie bit",
but when I tried this:

numToChar(56192 56320 32) it "threw a wobbly"

as did: numToChar(56192 56320)

and this; numToChar(56192) & numToChar(56320) & numToChar(32) was most 
unsatisfactory . . .

and, finding no reference in any of the RunRev documentation about the 
possibility of
working with Hexadecimal notation . . .


Devin Asay's tutorial :   does 
state that all Unicode characters are UTF-16; but it most definitely 
does not state how one can refer with
numToChar with a 2 character combination.


so, sadly, at this stage, no nearer.

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