Escaping slashes in Windows for menus?

Ken Ray kray at
Sun Jul 5 16:49:33 EDT 2009

Up until 3.5 (I think), if you had a popup menu or option menu and you
wanted to display a "/" in it, you had to escape it with a preceding "\",
but only on Macs. This was (I assume) to differentiate it from a "/" that
preceded an accelerator key.

So for example, I have a status popup that lists IN, IN/LW, OUT, OUT/LW,
etc., and to make it appear properly on Macs, I had to do IN, IN\/LW, OUT,
OUT\LW, etc. but I didn't have to do it on Windows.

Now I'm seeing this same need on Windows, but only while running the 3.5
engine... is this intentional (in which case I'll change the underlying
code) or a bug?

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Email: kray at
Web Site:

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