
Jim Sims sims at
Wed Jul 1 11:11:47 EDT 2009

On Jul 1, 2009, at 5:02 PM, Colin Holgate wrote:

> Click on the name link, and you'll see a page of info, which will  
> include a list of mutual friends. I think the system sees that you  
> both have the same friends, and so maybe you know each other.
> You can also search for any name. Like now, I tried Craig Newman,  
> and the first in the list looked like him, but I could click on his  
> name and see that we had a mutual friend. So now I'm sure it's him,  
> and so I've sent a Friend invite. He'll be no doubt confused by  
> that...

Hmmm...  I typed in Colin Holgate and I see two guys - one is wearing  
white/pink bunny ears. Colin, we gotta talk about this behavior of  
yours   :-P


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