issues with rev comparing a returned string

Shao Sean shaosean at
Thu Jan 29 23:14:13 EST 2009

When I run the following code:

put revDataFromQuery(TAB, LF, tConnID, tSQL) into tColumnInfo
if (tColumnInfo contains "revdberr") then
   put tColumnInfo
end if

tColumnInfo is populated with the following data:

Column Info:
0	field4	char	0		0
1	field5	INTEGER	0		0
2	field6	char	0		0
3	field1	INTEGER	0		0
4	field2	char	0		0
5	field3	INTEGER	0		0

yet Rev still throws the variable data into the message box which it  
should only be doing if the returned data contains "revdberr" and we  
can see that it does not..

Mac OS X 10.4.11
Rev 3.0, 3.5-dp-4

Checked the bug database and found nothing in there.. I can not check  
in earlier versions of Rev due to using the new arrays of 3.0 and do  
not want to rewrite the whole code.. Can anyone else confirm this?

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