Compiler question - Win XP and Windows Server 2003

Scott Rossi scott at
Sat Jan 24 19:46:36 EST 2009

Recently, Jim Ault wrote:

> I have a client that wants to run an Standalone exe on Windows Server 2003.
> I have moved the file.exe onto this machine and access it using Remote
> Desktop from another machine running XP Pro.
> When I launch the exe, the stack window is the correct size, but the ugly
> 2-color result is dark gray and black.  The buttons work and the fields
> display as black font on black background.
> The buttons display as gray square rectangles with black border.
> When text is selected, it becomes black text on a white background and
> readable, but only when hilighted.
> Before I do any testing of many variations, can anyone attest that ³It won¹t
> work, so save your time²
> My guess is that installing Rev IDE is highly unlikely to work in Windows
> Server 2003.

I'm not sure how you're accessing the server's display, but if you can,
check the server's color depth.  IIRC, Rev will not display properly in
anything under 256 colors.  What you describe sounds like something I ran
into many years ago testing Rev under SafeMode or just 4 bit color.  The Rev
app would run, but it wouldn't display properly.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

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