
Randall Lee Reetz randall at randallreetz.com
Thu Jan 22 17:03:18 EST 2009


Maybe you can help...

I have downloaded the fslogger terminal thingy... I have installed it  
into the correct folder...

	Macintosh HD/Users:User1/Bin/fslogger

... then I open terminal and ask for a "new command" (file menu) and  
type "sudo fslogger" and hit the return key.  But it comes back with  

	command not found
	[Process completed]

Obviously, I don't know for terminal or unix or anything below the  
standard GUI... so what do I need to do to get fslogger up and  
running?  After that I need to look at its output (where is this?  is  
it a log file?  text?  Where?).  And then after finding it, I need to  
parse the thing.   Just trying to understand this whole crazy world  
so that I might move closer to my goals of tying directly into the  
file system event loop API, filter its output, and generate messages  
to a stack or project carrying the following parameters:

1. event type (create, delete, rename, move, alias, edit comments,  
edit contents)
2. object name and path (old [and new])
3.  object kind (document, folder, alias)
4. object info (type, creation date, change date, size, etc.)



On Jan 22, 2009, at 11:22 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> Randall Lee Reetz wrote:
> > What is the intra-application communication protocol that would
> > allow for the sending of xtalk messages to xtalk clients?
> Sockets.
> Apple and Microsoft also support their own proprietary inter-app  
> protocols (e.g., Apple events), but sockets are supported by all  
> major OSes and available in the Rev engine for all supported  
> platforms.
> --
>  Richard Gaskin
>  Fourth World
>  Revolution training and consulting: http://www.fourthworld.com
>  Webzine for Rev developers: http://www.revjournal.com
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