RUNREV Technical support

Richmond Mathewson geradamas at
Wed Jan 21 12:57:17 EST 2009

I guess I am very naive, but:

1.  I have always treated this Use-Group as my Technical Support;
    and, 99% of the time it has been fantastic: Thanks People!

2.  Assumed that the built-in Documentation in RunRev was all
    one needed along with the Use-Group (that is why I have
    often been critical of the inbuilt documentation).

3.  Assumed that most of a computer-programming job I take on
    is my problem, and that it is up to me to get the job done.

Runtime Revolution has some bugs; some of which are a bit
"long in the tooth" - but so does every programming suite/RAD/
lamguage. The bug tracking outfit isn't perfect. But, let the=20
person who has produced a bug-free application of any complexity
first-time round chuck the first stone.

As a way of putting things in perspective; try comparing Runtime
Revolution with any other RAD that comes to mind that can pump
out standalones from the same code for any number of operating
systems and computers.

I am not a YES-man who endless sings the entirely uncritical
praises of Runtime Revolution; BUT, having been working with it
for about 8 years now, and almost on a monthly basis trying out
new RADs as they spring up (and, more often than not, vanish away=20
again), I can say that it does look the best in an imperfect

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson.


A Thorn in the flesh is better than a failed Systems Development Life Cycle.


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