Help? linkfunction to Inetbrowser detail

Kresten Bjerg Kresten.Bjerg at
Mon Jan 19 06:00:15 EST 2009

 	 	With Inetbrowser as one substack I designed a button, which creates Url-link-buttons in another substack.
 They work fine, when the InetBrowser stack has been opened before, and when it has'nt, they also work fine in debugging-mode,
 -but the moment I leave debugging mode, (and  browserstack not yet opened) they end up in  the abloadUrl handler on the lines:
 	 	"if the altBrowserState of this stack is true then
      revBrowserSet the altBrowserId of this stack,"url",pUrl
 	 	with error: Unknown browser Id.

 	 	As I dont get this error when debugging and honestly:have not understood the intricate interplay of the many handlers 
on the "testcard"of the downloaded Inetbrowser.rev, I have to ask for help.
 	 	My link button works primitively:
"...put the cyberloc of me into goal 
go to stack Inetbrowser
set the visible of stack Inetbrowser to true
wait 2 seconds
put goal into field browseraddress of stack Inetbrowser
send mouseup to button Go of stack Inetbrowser...."

 	 	I have tried to introduce delays, establishing a prior opening of "Home-site" etc,, but still I get this error
 (only when not in debugging-mode)(and onely while Inetbrowserstack not opened before)
 	 	I even ask myself whether the  " revBrowserSet the altBrowserId of this stack,"url",pUrl "  line is OK,
 or meant to be edited by the programmer  -quote url quote looks strange.
Any solutions in sight ?
best regards - Kresten Bjerg        kresten.bjerg at 

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