Import from rect

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Fri Jan 16 13:14:44 EST 2009

Thomas McGrath III wrote:

> I have the following line of code in a stack which works great but seems 
> to me to be wrong:
> import snapshot from rect (the rect of img "TEST2") of card "Test" of 
> stack "Tester" -- Works as expected
> So if I fix it to what I think it should be it doesn't work but 
> snapshots from the actual stack or card but not the rect of the image:
> import snapshot from rect (the rect of img "TEST2" of card "Gradient 
> Lab" of stack "LRSGradientText") -- Does not work as expected

The second example translates to: import snapshot from rect someRect

This will be in global coordinates.

The first example translates to: import snapshot from rect someRect of 

This will be in local coordinates. The parentheses are the problem.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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