revOpenDatabase on Linux - works in IDE, broken in standalone - how do I fix?

Ben Rubinstein benr_mc at
Tue Jan 13 13:36:26 EST 2009

Bob Sneidar wrote:
> Not sure if this helps, but in my help system under the Revdb commands, 
> there is a blurb at the bottom which states that for standalones you 
> have to include the plugins for revdb in order for the commands to work.

Thanks Bob.  Actually on Linux it seems it's a bit more complicated, as 
although the basic Rev app does have a revdb plugin on Linux, just as it does 
on Mac and Windows; the standalone doesn't need it (whereas it does on Mac and 

However, you do still need some other plugins - which you get if you check 
"Database Support" in the Standalone Settings, and then select the individual 
database types you want to address - and also need some script magic, which 
happens automatically on Mac and Windows if you check "Database Support", but 
doesn't happen on Linux unless you additionally select "Database" in the 


- Ben

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