IWBs, peer pressure, and the inexorable march of technology.

Ben Rubinstein benr at cogapp.com
Fri Jan 9 12:50:44 EST 2009


You may well be in the position of wanting something that just darn well 
works; and I have no experience of either 'real' (ie commercial) interactive 
whiteboards, or the alternative that I'm about to mention;  but are you aware 
of the work that various hackers and open-source groups are doing to build on 
the insights of the great Johnny Lee to make cheap IWBs out of Wii controllers?

If one of these does what you want, you might be able to get by on about 10% 
of the price you mention.


- Ben

Richmond Mathewson wrote:
> I am thinking of digging extremely deeply in my ragged pockets and 
> investing in an Interactive WhiteBoard.
> I have trawled the internet and found all sorts of info.
> However: Promethean:
> http://www.prometheanworld.com/index.php
> have a 'special offer' for Bulgaria of an IWB for 700 Euros (which
> by all I have found is very good value).
> Now I am looking for information from anyone who has:
> A. Experience of IWBs (I don't know why, but this reminds me
>    of ICBMs - Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles).
> B. Experience of programming Runtime Revolution stuff that is
>    "IWB-friendly".
> sincerely, Richmond Mathewson.

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