Stack name of a standaone

Devin Asay devin_asay at
Fri Jan 9 12:36:38 EST 2009

I need to read a property of a standalone stack from another main  
stack that has been called by the standalone.

Anybody know a reliable way to get the stack name of a stack that has  
been turned into a standalone, from within another stack that the  
standalone has launched? It's easy to get the name of the standalone  
stack when that's the active stack, just by getting 'the short name of  
this stack'. But once that stack launches another stack, how do you do  
it reliably? Here are the tools I know about:

the address - the name of the system the app is running on followed by  
the path to the app. But the app name isn't necessarily the same as  
the short name.

the stacks - returns a list of the filenames of stack files with  
currently open stacks

the openStacks - returns a list of the short names of all open stacks  
(The name I want is in there, but where? Would it always be the first  
in the list? Last in the list?)

revLoadedStacks(application) - returns a list of the short names of  
all non-rev stacks loaded into memory (But ditto the above. Where is  
the name of the standalone stack?)

the mainstacks - a list of main stacks loaded into memory. (Same  

If I knew for sure that the name of the standalone stack ALWAYS came  
first in these lists, I could get what I need.

What I really need is 'the short name of the standaloneStack'.

Anybody know?



Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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