Gutenberg Reader

Peter Brigham MD pmbrig at
Thu Feb 26 17:40:35 EST 2009

On Wed, 25 Feb 2009 14:50:46, Kay C Lan <lan.kc.macmail at>  

> On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 7:40 AM, Kay C Lan  
> <lan.kc.macmail at> wrote:
>> BBEdit then crashed!
> On a slightly different note, quick as a flash Bare Bones were  
> emailing me
> wanting more details of what made BBEdit crash. I can reproduce the  
> crash
> simply by opening the Gutenberg Reader file that resides in the Mac OS
> folder in the app bundle, change it's text encoding from Western  
> (Mac OS
> Roman) to Western (Windows Latin 1), I then close the document, I then
> choose 'Dont Save' from the dialog box, I am then presented with a  
> window
> that says:
> Unmappable character(s) detected.
> This document contains one or more...
> There are three buttons, Show Unmappable Characters, Cancel or Save as
> UTF-8. If I click on Cancel the dialog box disappears, the document  
> sits
> there for a couple of seconds, then disappears along with the entire  
> BBEdit
> app, I then get the Crash Reporter dialog.
> I can definitely repeat this every single time.
> Bare Bones have asked if I could forward them the file?
> Peter would you mind if I did?
> If not, could you let me know some more details of what the file is  
> so I can
> pass it on to the Bare Bones team.
> Thanks.

Please, be my guest, send it off to them.

Peter M. Brigham
pmbrig at

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