convert to lower ascii 128?

Chipp Walters chipp at
Wed Feb 4 20:45:37 EST 2009

Interesting note: I found the following results:
function altAsciiScrub2 pText
   put replacetext(pText,"[" & numToChar(129) & "-" & numToChar(255) &
"]","") into pText
   put  replacetext(pText,"[" & numToChar(1) & "-" & numToChar(31) & "]","")
into pText
   return pText
end altAsciiScrub2

executed in 19 ticks on my QuadCore Vista 64 machine

function altAsciiScrub1 pText
   repeat for each char c in pText
      get charToNum(c)
      if it > 128 or it < 32 then
         next repeat
      end if
      put c after t
   end repeat
   return t
end altAsciiScrub1

executed in 17 ticks on my QuadCore Vista 64 machine

repeat for each is really fast.

That said, executing one replaceText versus a single "if it >128

(Devin, yours was much slower: 49 ticks)

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