Will only work with Macintosh systems

Richmond Mathewson geradamas at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 4 08:38:26 EST 2009

I like Barry Barber a lot; he resembles a Wittgensteinian philosopher; 
asking more questions than he answers - and I do not mean this in a 
facetious way, as development in any field can only come about with
constant stimulus!

Barry wrote:

"The label "These buttons will only work with Macintosh systems" in 
card MORE GRADIENTS seems redundant; they all work excellently on XP-HE"
I based that note on the Runtime Revolution 2.6.1 INK listing 
that places BLEND below a heading "Mac OS only".

Poking around in version 3.0 I see that the term INK has
been replaced with BLENDING and that all the possibilities
now seem to be supported an all 3 dominant platforms.

Therefore, I have uploaded "BUTTON BASHER.rev" again with the
redundant notice removed: Thank you very much Barry.

However, I have to admit it took me quite some time to work out
what "XP-HE" meant; not being a very Windows-centric sort of chap.

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson.

A Thorn in the flesh is better than a failed Systems Development Life Cycle.


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