How to test if a field does not contain anything else than returns or tab ?

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Tue Feb 3 14:49:25 EST 2009

DunbarX at wrote:
> This was a big thread on the HC list a few years back. Spaces are odd, in 
> that they are not word delimiters. Although they are. One space between two word 
> is two words, as is ten spaces between them. In HC:
> get the number of words of "a   b   c" --two spaces between the chars, 
> returns 3
> And this....
> set the itemDelimiter to space
> get the number of items of "a   b   c" --returns 1
> Space is just a special kind of character, and it is hard to get the white, 
> er, space.
> Does Rev have more powerful tools?

In Rev, using space as an itemdelimiter works as you'd expect:

set the itemDel to space
put the number of items in "a b c" -> 3
put the number of items in "a   b c" -> 5

However, the "word" function will still only return the actual number of 

put the number of words in "a     b c" -> 3

which is generally what we want.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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