Saving standalone substacks

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Wed Dec 16 16:27:01 EST 2009

Devin Asay wrote:

> Do you know what the file permissions implications are if a user other 
> than the one who installed the app is trying to save stacks to the app 
> bundle?

I think it depends on the OS permissions assigned to the app, but maybe 
someone else knows more. Most of the apps in my Applications folder are 
Owner: read/write, group: read/write, anyone: read. I think you'd need 
to make sure that the permissions are set correctly for the people who 
would need to access it.

I notice that my Apple apps are mostly group = admin, where third party 
apps are mostly group = (unknown).

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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