Uploading data with a revlet (Was: Re: Is it possible to change the revlet embed html?)

Medard liste.revo at medard.on-rev.com
Wed Dec 9 09:36:27 EST 2009

Mark Talluto <userev at canelasoftware.com> wrote:

> Many hosted web accounts these days do not allow anonymous FTP.  If yours
> does then that may be the way to go.  Since we do not have sFTP then
> your password and other login parameters are being sent unprotected.
> You are vulnerable to man in the middle attacks.  If this app is used
> where security is required by your clients then this can cause a problem
> for you on the marketing end.

Hi! I am changing from Dom to Medard (On-Rev hosted address) :-)

Even I am not concerned about client/marketeer problems, I do think it
is a problem, as the revlet has to send those parameter over the net...

Your "man in the middle" remark has to be taken seriously!

Even for a simple hobbyist, which makes revlets available on the net ;-)

Dom^W Medard

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