Is it possible to change the revlet embed html?

Dom mcdomi at
Sat Dec 5 03:54:15 EST 2009

J. Landman Gay <jacque at> wrote:

> I've done that here: <>
> The UUID is the same for both, I didn't change that. What's important is
> the instanceID. That must be the same for all stacks that need to talk
> to each other on the same page.

Gosh! I think I should have remembered _the frog_ ;-)))

OK, I made a more thorough reading...
the interesting trick is that the revlet is a mainstack with a substack

I did ignore that a substack could so be revealed in a revlet!
so, the communication between the "two" revlets resorts to normal
communication between a substack and its mainstack ;-)

So, a step further, how to make two _independent_ revlets communicate?


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