Launch another app from my standalone

Adrian Williams adrian at
Sun Aug 30 12:18:03 EDT 2009

When defaultFolder is set to a valid path "C:\Program Files\MyApp.exe"  
my code works.
Is there a way to retrieve the location of the Folder in which the  
current application is running.
Then set deafultFolder to that?
Thanks for your perseverance with me on this topic.

On 30 Aug 2009, at 11:09, Jim Bufalini wrote:
> Try:
> put the defaultFolder into tOrigDefaultFolder
> set the defaultFolder to "C:\theDirTheExeIsIn" -- Put actual dir the  
> exe is
> in here
> launch "MyProgram.exe" -- Put the actual name of the exe here
> set the defaultFolder to tOrigDefaultFolder -- Puts the  
> defaultFolder back
> where it was

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