Snow Leopard

François Chaplais francois.chaplais at
Sat Aug 29 17:31:20 EDT 2009

Le 29 août 09 à 22:52, Colin Holgate a écrit :

> On Aug 29, 2009, at 4:26 PM, François Chaplais wrote:
>> Photoshop 7 is a bundle, with "MacOSClassic" and "MacOS" folders in  
>> the "Contents" folder of the bundle.
>> so IMHO, the existence of a bundle does not imply cocoa.
> The operating of scroll bars in the background is Cocoa only though,  
> isn't it?

I do not know myself. Of course, the two statements are not  
contradictory. An answer to this question would be welcome from the  
mothership. Also, some clarification about the "compile" button in the  
IDE, and also on the nature of standalones. I do not have many stack  
projects, but the one I am working on runs significantly as a  
standalone (say, almost twice as fast). Where does the benefit come  


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