[ANN] Script Colour Editor 1.0.0

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at economy-x-talk.com
Fri Aug 28 03:16:42 EDT 2009

Hi Sean,

I had the impression that this stack could be used to change the  
script colorising in Rev's own script editor. Am I wrong? If I'm  
right, how are we supposed to use your stack? Do I have the insert a  
script into back? Keep your stack in the plug-ins folder, perhaps?

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Download Snapper Screen Recorder at http://snapper.economy-x-talk.com

On 28 aug 2009, at 09:07, Shao Sean wrote:

> Open SCE
> Select a line in the listbox
> (optional) click on the 'Bold' and/or 'Italic' checkboxes
> Select a colour
> (do the above as many times as the features you want to change)
> click the 'Colourize' button (the little preview field updates  
> automatically) but in the script editor you will need to press the  
> TAB key to force Rev to recolour the script field (I am looking at a  
> way to make it auto update but Rev hard-coded the colours in the  
> script instead of using the colours stored in the preferences file)

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