Can't hide field border

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Wed Aug 26 14:10:58 EDT 2009

Bill Vlahos wrote:
> I have a stack that has field that appears to have a border that I can't 
> get rid of. It isn't the actual border (I've turned showBorder on and 
> off and the appearance changes but doesn't get rid of what looks like a 
> border.
> I've dragged a new field onto the card and I can hide the border as 
> expected. I've compared the Properties of both fields and I don't see 
> anything different.
> There must be some setting that is different but I can't tell what it 
> is. Any ideas on what to look for?

See if the showFocusBorder property is true.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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