long FieldName to owning stackName

Mark Wieder mwieder at ahsoftware.net
Tue Aug 25 11:57:18 EDT 2009


Tuesday, August 25, 2009, 12:59:11 AM, you wrote:

> get the long name of fld 1
> replace "/" with cr in IT
> get char 1 to -2 of line -1 of IT

That will give you the *filename*, but not necessarily the stack name.
I use a variation on this:

set the itemdelimiter to tab
put the long name of field 1 into tName
replace "of" with tab in tName
put item -1 of tName into tStack
put the name of tStack

although if you need to find the substack name then, as Bill pointed
out, you'd need to do something like

set the itemdelimiter to tab
put the long name of field 1 into tName
replace "of" with tab in tName
put item itemoffset(" stack" && quote, tName) of tName into tStack
put the name of tStack

-Mark Wieder
 mwieder at ahsoftware.net

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