memory saturating with a repeat loop

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Fri Aug 21 12:35:30 EDT 2009

Andre.Bisseret wrote:

> I have an app including about five  hundred stacks (main stacks with  
> substacks); they are physician's clients files.
> In order to produce statistics I have a handler which search the  
> values of several measures in the main stack and one substack of each  
> clients.
> I am using a repeat loop to search the stacks (useful to say that, as  
> soon as the values are picked up, I "delete" the main stack).
> Despite this, my app systematically crashes before completing the all  
> set of stacks.

Could the data be moved to a single stack, perhaps using custom props 
for greater efficiency?  Or if not, perhaps SQLite?

> I don"t see how I could avoid the repeat loop ? (how to use a "send in  
> time" structure ? is it instead of the repeat loop ??)
> I tried to proceed one hundred stacks at a time only, but here again I  
> don"t see how to avoid a repeat loop ?

Off the top of my head (read "test, don't trust" <g>):

local sStackList

on ProcessStacks
   -- put all of the stack file names into a list:
   put AllSuchStackFiles() into sStackList
   -- Initiate the actual processing:
end ProcessStacks

on ProcessNextStack
    -- Are we done yet?:
    if sStackList is empty then
       answer "All done!"
      -- Get the next stack:
      put line 1 of sStackList into tStack
      delete line 1 of sStackList
      -- Process it:
      doWhateverYouNeedToDoToStack tStack
      -- Now that that stack's done, run this handler again:
      if "ProcessNextStack" is not in the pendingMessages then
         send "ProcessNextStack" to me in 10 millisecs
      end if
    end if
end ProcessNextStack

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World
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