What does "menu" do in the decorations property

Klaus Major klaus at major.on-rev.com
Thu Aug 20 09:56:16 EDT 2009

Hi Tim,

> Thanks for the reply Bjoernke. I was probably too brief in my  
> question. When I set the decorations of a stack to menu, nothing  
> happens. The only way I know of to create a "menubar" on Windows or  
> Linux is to create a group and make it look like a menubar. Once  
> that's done setting the decorations property still has no effect.  
> Setting the menubar is supposed to be a Mac only property. So, my  
> question remains, what is the menu keyword supposed to do when used  
> with the decorations property? On my system it does not appear to do  
> anything.

the decoration "menu" will only enable the context menu (right click)  
on the window title bar on windows.
Not more, but also not less :-)

> Tim Bleiler



Klaus Major
klaus at major.on-rev.com

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