Why is Put not Putting?
Randall Lee Reetz
randall at randallreetz.com
Mon Aug 17 16:28:41 EDT 2009
put (the number of words in txtToProcess) into TotWrds
put 100 into Batches
put (round(TotWrds/Batches)) into WrdsPerBatch
repeat with PrcessChunkCnt 1 to (Batches+1)
put "Now processing word "&((PrcessChunkCnt-1)*WrdsPerBatch) & " to
" &(PrcessChunkCnt*(WrdsPerBatch) & " of " & TotWrds &"."
repeat with WrdCnt = 1 to WrdsPerBatch
if (((PrcessChunkCnt-1)*WrdsPerBatch)+WrdCnt)² TotWrds
-- do something to word (((PrcessChunkCnt-1)
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end repeat
On Aug 17, 2009, at 11:28 AM, Randall Reetz wrote:
> i'm sure I am not the first to say so, but you are vastly over
> estimating the sophistication of the interpretor. It does not
> forward to predict and then anticipate the intention of your
> script. That is the HAL stuff of science fiction (for now).
> If you have two put statements in the same loop, (or any for that
> matter) you are also vastly underestimating the speed of your
> processor. Your screen doesn't even refresh fast enough to capture
> updates to the message box that quickly.
> Try nesting the main repeat loop within another loop and
> maintaining a counter that determines a set number of updates (say
> 100) each of which 1/100th of the total number of loops. Place
> your progress updater in the outer repeat loop.
> randall
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gregory Lypny <gregory.lypny at videotron.ca>
> Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 8:53 AM
> To: Revolution <use-revolution at lists.runrev.com>
> Subject: Why is Put not Putting?
> Hello everyone,
> I use the simple handler below to process large amounts of text.
> Because it can take anywhere from a couple of seconds to ten minutes
> to run, I like to know that something is happening, so I put the very
> first statement in the handler, "Preparing for search..." which is
> supposed to appear in field "Info 1" to let me know that the thing has
> started. The trouble is, that little progress message never appears,
> but the last statement in the handler, "Processing time and...,"
> does. This suggests to me that Rev reads ahead through the handler,
> and if it is overwhelmed by a task, such as getting a big data field,
> then it cannot update the screen according to statements that came
> before. (There are no lock screen statements in the handler.) How
> can I fix this, so that the statements are executed in the way they
> are meant to be?
> Regards,
> Gregory
> on mouseUp
> put "Preparing for search..." into fld "Info 1" -- This never
> appears in the field!
> set the itemDelimiter to tab
> get fld "Data" of card "Data" -- Lots of data
> repeat for each line thisLine in it
> -- Process the text
> end repeat
> put "Processing time and [other stats]" into fld "Info 1"
> end mouseUp
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