Why is Put not Putting?

Randall Reetz randall at randallreetz.com
Mon Aug 17 14:28:01 EDT 2009

i'm sure I am not the first to say so, but you are vastly over estimating the sophistication of the interpretor.  It does not forward to predict and then anticipate the intention of your script.  That is the HAL stuff of science fiction (for now).    
If you have two put statements in the same loop, (or any for that matter) you are also vastly underestimating the speed of your processor.  Your screen doesn't even refresh fast enough to capture updates to the message box that quickly.

Try nesting the main repeat loop within another loop and maintaining a counter that determines a set number of updates (say 100) each of which 1/100th of the total number of loops.  Place your progress updater in the outer repeat loop.

-----Original Message-----
From: Gregory Lypny <gregory.lypny at videotron.ca>
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 8:53 AM
To: Revolution <use-revolution at lists.runrev.com>
Subject: Why is Put not Putting?

	Hello everyone,

	I use the simple handler below to process large amounts of text.   
Because it can take anywhere from a couple of seconds to ten minutes  
to run, I like to know that something is happening, so I put the very  
first statement in the handler, "Preparing for search..." which is  
supposed to appear in field "Info 1" to let me know that the thing has  
started.  The trouble is, that little progress message never appears,  
but the last statement in the handler, "Processing time and...,"  
does.  This suggests to me that Rev reads ahead through the handler,  
and if it is overwhelmed by a task, such as getting a big data field,  
then it cannot update the screen according to statements that came  
before.  (There are no lock screen statements in the handler.)  How  
can I fix this, so that the statements are executed in the way they  
are meant to be?



on mouseUp

    put "Preparing for search..." into fld "Info 1" -- This never  
appears in the field!

    set the itemDelimiter to tab

    get fld "Data" of card "Data" -- Lots of data

       repeat for each line thisLine in it
  	  -- Process the text
       end repeat

   put "Processing time and [other stats]" into fld "Info 1"

end mouseUp
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