Transcript should be called Transcript

Fredrik Andersson fredrik at
Thu Aug 13 15:45:56 EDT 2009


I'm one of those Saturday-afternoon hobbyists that have invested in  
Rev. I've always been interested in programming but I've never coded  
anything major. There were mainly four things that in the end made me  

1) Rapid prototyping and development - I could write an simple utility  
in an hour instead of a week and a competent application in a  
relatively short while
2) Cross platform - I use a Mac but most people I knew (and work) used  
Windows PC's so that came in very handy
3) Chunks - Compared to the other languages I've tried this is by far  
the easiest with regard to string and file handling. Most of my  
applications read some kind of data, process it and displays it  
through a DataGrid or something similar.
4) Variables - I don't have to declare them and I can put almost  
everything in there. Great stuff!

The english-like language wasn't a selling point for me and have  
sometimes been a bit of a problem, probably because I'm swedish ;) I  
often write "in"  instead of "into" or "of" (or the other way around),  
and I sometimes have problems finding the right commands in the  
Dictionary. revTalk can also be a little long-winded: "a=1" is easier  
to write than "put 1 into a", and referring to controls on a specific  
card can be a bit bothersome. I'm also a bit uneasy about having  
scripts in a million places in my application but a good Object  
browser (Like in tRev for instance) helps a lot.

I do love Revolution and I've started to develop a few applications  
for work (I used to it do in VBA which was a bit limiting) and it's  
worked out great so far.

I'm currently about to renew my license for another year and I hope  
Rev will become even better during the next year.



13 aug 2009 kl. 20.43 skrev Richmond Mathewson:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> First of all; in computer programming languages everything
> must be explicitly stated, while in human languages so much
> is implicit, or is encoded in non-verbal ways.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> IFF, Runtime Revolution want to carry on appealing to the
> Saturday-afternoon hobbyist crowd then 'English-like' might
> be OK.
> BUT, I wonder (apart from the Las Vegas Drive-In Wedding Chapel)
> how many people who are prepared to pay £125 are Saturday-afternoon
> hobbyists.
> While I DON'T think revTalk sounds like kiddy-time (although it does
> sound a bit like the Synod of the Church of Scotland), I do think
> that the continued emphasis on 'English-like' maybe a mistake . . .
> especially as so much of the more recherche revTalk scripts look
> nothing like English. . .  :)
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