Transcript should be called Transcript

viktoras d. viktoras at
Thu Aug 13 11:38:34 EDT 2009

I usually say "Runtime Revolution IDE". Most people here (in Europe) 
have at least heard about it. But it is called Revolution in the tiobe 
programming community index 
( And 
there is absolutely no reason to avoid word "script". Not the name of 
the language but the result of its use in business is what matters... 
There are other languages widely in use with non-aggressive and totally 
non-cool names also including the word "script" like Smalltalk, 
JavaScript, JavaFX Script, ABAP, Lua, Ada, Alice, Focus, Groovy, Boo, 
Clean, Euphoria, Squirrel and even MOO and MUMPS (!!!) etc...

All the best

Jim Sims wrote:
> I had innocently asked the question because I really did not remember 
> what RunRev had decided upon.
> A potential client via an email asked me what language I would use 
> when making something for him. I really did not remember what the dang 
> new name was! I need the job and felt I had to answer right away. I 
> went with Transcript as after quite some time nobody answered.
> sims
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