wake from sleep

Ben Rubinstein benr_mc at cogapp.com
Wed Aug 12 12:41:24 EDT 2009

Possibly helpful, but somewhat messy:

* at least on Mac, if the screensaver kicks in when your stack is on top, it 
will get a 'suspendStack' message; when the user breaks out of the 
screensaver, and the stack becomes active again, it gets a 'resumeStack' message

* at least on Mac, you can use shell commands to find out if the screensaver 
is running (er, or applescript as Bnig proposed)

* so in principle, you could use shell commands whenever receiving a 
'suspendStack' message to see if the screensaver is responsible for suspending 
you; and then deal with the subsequent resumeStack message on the basis that 
the screensaver must have ended.

However, this is of severely limited utility (I guess it could be helpful if 
you were in a kiosk situation) because, among other reasons (leaving aside the 
question of whether something similar happens on Windows):

* if you are suspended because some other app is bought to the front, and the 
screensaver then kicks in, you'll never know about it

* if you have multiple stacks open, there's a long standing issue about Rev 
bringing the wrong one to the front when Rev becomes the active app after not 
being the active app.  So depending on how your app is structured, the resume 
following breaking out of the screensaver may not be received by the stack 
that got the 'matching' suspend message.   I guess that's relatively easy to 
work around if all the stacks in your app are under your control.

So depending on your situation, you might be able to restrict the checking to 
when you've received a suspendStack message.

A more solid approach: I believe that native Mac applications can receive a 
signal when the screensaver kicks in, and another when it exits.  So in theory 
it could be trivial, at least on Mac, for the Rev engine to send 
"screensaverStarted" and "screensaverStopped" messages, and you could post 
that request in QC.  However in practise I can't imagine that such a request 
would be granted anytime soon.  If your need is serious, though, it might be 
quite simple to create a tiny helper app that receives such signals, and 
passes them on to your app.



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